Where to Find Design Inspiration for Home Staging


bairstowevesContrary what some may believe, a stager is not always a licensed interior decorator. In fact, one does not need to have any training or course certification in order to be a stager. Anybody for the matter can call themselves a home stager. Thus, the URL to estate agent in South Woodham Ferrers do not always see it fit to recommend that their client hire a stager to help prepare for the open house of their property's listing.

It is possible to hire an interior designer if the home owner so wishes, but for the most part the staging process can actually be completed on a DIY approach. So where does a person find design inspiration to help them stage their homes? Read Full Report below.


bairstowevesBefore the internet came to be, the best resource for design were books and magazines. Even today, many of these publications are still running because they are a tried and tested method of gathering references and ideas for both the professional designer and the design enthusiast home owner.

Design shows

With the rapid growth of individuals who are interested in creating their own space, interior design shows have been cropping up all over television. There are shows that focus on ultimate makeovers, some are oriented towards how to up-cycle furnishings to make them good as new, and so much more.

Open houses

bairstowevesAn open house isn't only an opportunity for a seller to locate interested buyers. It is not only beneficial to the URL to estate agent in South Woodham Ferrers who can expand their network but can also be used as a means to gather design ideas. Home owners can take advantage of the staging conducted in a property and use concepts that interest them and implement it in their own abode.

Agents portfolio

Since an agent likely has an extensive portfolio of listings and successful sales in the past, the photos of the homes can be also be used to gather information from. Home owners can make use of details in sold homes that have made it attractive to buyers.

Design fairs

Annually, various design groups and furnishing companies hold fairs and trade shows to showcase the line up of new trends in the design industry. Lots of decorators, tradesmen, and industry experts are in attendance, furthermore booths will display various settings that can be a good source of ideas. Visitors can also go around and find inspiration and advice from other attendees.


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